What are you Practicing?

What are you practicing?

Many of us might respond to this question with “Well, erm, nothing at the moment”. As meditators or yogi’s there may be days when we might not have got to our mat or cushion and be thinking “I haven’t done my practice today”.

However, the truth is we are always practicing something! Albeit often unconsciously.

In each and every moment we are giving our attention to something – and where attention goes, energy flows.

So each time we give our attention to worrying about what might or might not happen we are actually getting better at worrying!

Each time we are giving our attention to blaming, whether it be ourselves or others, we are actually becoming more expert at blaming…

Every moment that we are caught up in drive mode, over-doing and feeling overwhelmed we are getting strengthening our habit of disconnect.

It gives me so much hope and encouragement to remember that our brain is ‘plastic’ and malleable. Over time we have the ability to change and shape the neural networks within our brain. Just like choosing to walk down a different route in a field of maze, at first it’s much harder than the well-worn route. But over time, each moment we choose a new way which supports our deeper wellness, the path becomes clearer and easier to walk.

There’s a parable that is sometimes told about a grandfather walking with his grandson. The grandfather tells him, “I have two wolves at war inside of me, one is hateful and angry, the other is generous and loving”. The grandson asks “Which one wins?” The grandfather replies “Whichever one I feed the most”.

We all have these two wolves living inside our hearts. And the point isn’t to try and kill the one of hate. It’s more about which one we choose to feed in any moment.

So as a mini practice today, pause at times and notice, with a gentle curiosity, what are you giving your attention too?

And to remember we have a choice.




What is it to feel grounded?