Internal Family Systems Therapy

I wonder if you’ve found yourself wanting to get rid of some aspect of yourself?

Most of us would probably say yes.

It might be some sort of habit that causes suffering in your life, or that critical voice in your head that keeps telling you you’re not good enough, or that busy mind that just won’t stop, or feeling at the mercy of difficult emotions….

maybe it’s led you to secretly believe that there’s something wrong with you, that you should be different.

It’s no surprise that we end up entangled in self -improvement projects, in the desperate attempt to change ourselves,
to be more, to be better, to do more….

But what if there was a uniquely different way to relate to yourself
that will lead you towards true healing, instead of the constant inner struggle?

I am an IFS practitioner, a qualified mindfulness, and yoga teacher. I have worked in the field of body-centred therapeutic approaches for the last 23 years…

I offer a genuine and trusting relationship, allowing you to mindfully explore, gain clarity and healing on what feels like it’s holding you back from living the life you really long for.

Internal Family Systems therapyor IFS therapyis a powerfully transformative evidence-based model of therapy that can support you to understand yourself more deeply, and ultimately liberate you from past wounds, narratives and adaptations that impact your present.

Perhaps you’re feeling stressed, stuck or overwhelmed?

Or plagued by constant worry of what might be around the next corner?

Or you’d like to make a change in your life?

Or maybe you don’t quite know what you’re feeling, just that niggling sense that something is not quite right?

Perhaps you long to feel more at ease within yourself, or to grow and expand into more of who you really are in your deepest essence…

Maybe you have a desire to just feel good within yourself, and live a life with more insight, depth and meaning….

Through the lens of IFS we understand that each part of us,
even the troublesome parts,

are trying to support the system in the best way they know how.

Our work together will help you to become mindfully curious, so that you can come to know these parts of yourself better.
This will enable these parts to heal and transform and you will naturally uncover more of who you truly are at your deepest essence, this is what IFS refers to as; the Self.

With greater access to the core ‘Self’, people regularly report after doing IFS they feel more spacious, connected, confident and at ease within themselves and in relation to others.

IFS can help you to…

  • develop a relationship with yourself that is supportive, warm, kind and loving.

  • work with that critical voice in your head so it doesn’t take over your life!

  • create and maintain healthy boundaries.

  • explore your saboteurs and shadows, and the ways they hold you back from fully expressing yourself and living your life.

  • honour your own needs as sacred gifts.

  • build resilience, inner confidence…and feel empowered in your life.

  • experience an intimate, alive, trust-filled connection with yourself.

  • cultivate a gentle, peaceful inner landscape that nourishes rather than punishes you

  • deepen your own self-trust and inner resource

  • be more YOU, not more perfect

Please feel free to contact me by email if you have any further questions
or would like to arrange an appointment.

Sessions last for one hour (60 minutes)
Longer sessions of 1½ hours can sometimes be arranged (90 minutes)

Please note, I work online via zoom from a UK time zone, and offer session in-person in North Devon.


“Working with Claire on Internal Family Systems has been a gentle yet profoundly impactful experience for me. Through Claire's insightful guidance, I've been able to gain a deeper understanding of the underlying dynamics of my thoughts and feelings. As a result, I now feel more connected to myself and better equipped to navigate the challenges I face.”

~ Karen, Accountant

“Working with Claire is a truly rewarding experience. Seeing through the IFS lens, combined with her calm and reassuring presence, makes a space where I can safely explore my inner world. Each session brings a sense of greater integration and openness, a deeper connection with my inner wisdom, and renewed hope for the future."

~ Laura, therapist

‘Claire provides a wonderfully safe space for me to explore and gain a deeper understanding of myself. I am finding the insights and revelations that these sessions provide absolutely fascinating and invaluable in helping me to move forwards on my life’s journey of self discovery, self acceptance and self love… 

Thank you, thank you, thank you Claire, I really appreciate this offering alongside your kind, warm and gentle approach. 

— Kate

“I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being.”

― Hafiz