About Me

What does it really mean to love and appreciate this one, wild and precious life?

This line, inspired by the words of beloved poet Mary Oliver, has been like a faithful companion to me through my life.

Knowing the fleeting nature of this life, what is it that most matters to each one of us? What does it truly mean to be a sensitive, alive, connected human being on this earth? How to love ourselves well, and each other?

These are questions that have been at the heart of my life’s work so far.

From as early on as I can remember I have been interested in the mind, human beings and what makes each of us tick. My inner search drew me to study Psychology at University College London. I went on to train as an Occupational Therapist working in mental health settings and am a member of the Health and Care Professions Council.. Since 2003 I have been teaching both mindfulness-based groups and yoga in various health settings, including at Exeter University where I taught Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) for a number of years. During this time I supervised and assessed students, and was part of a team leading an innovative research study, comparing the effectiveness of MBCT with anti-depressant medication, as well as a study on the benefits of compassion.

Since early on in my adult life I have also loved exploring embodied movement practices, such as yoga, dance, contact improvisation and Qi Gong.

My mindfulness and yoga practice dropped to a whole new level when I became a mother. The everyday joys and challenges of family life has helped me to come into a more honest, warm and loving relationship with myself, and to remind me once again, that self-compassion really isn’t a luxury, but a ‘basic need’.

I currently teach Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) for the Mindfulness Network, a non profit organisations which works closely with Exeter and Bangor University and have been teaching yoga and deep rest classes, retreats and workshops for the last two decades. I have completed the foundational Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living (MBCL) training and the Mindfulness for Life Training. I am a member of BAMBA (Britich Association for Mindfulness-Based Appraoches)

My explorations so far have led me to develop an 8-week Self-Compassion Course ‘Your Wild & Precious Life’. and other online courses, such as BREATHE.

I have completed my Level 1 in Internal Family Systems (IFS), and I am currently offering individual IFS Therapy via zoom.

I am based in the North Devon countryside in the UK, where I live with my husband and two children. I love to spend time by the sea, walking in nature, singing, dancing or simply relaxing on the sofa with our cats.

My life-long passion is supporting people to come into a kinder, wiser more compassionate relationship with every single part of themselves, so they can enjoy more freedom, joy and fulfilment in their lives.

Training and Qualifications


2024 - Internal Family Systems Institute - Level 1 Training
2021 - Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy for Life (MBCT-L) Teacher Training
2021- Mindfulness Based Compassionate Living (MBCL) Teaching Training
2021 - Mindfulness Based Compassionate Living (MBCL) Foundation training
2011 onwards - Teaching Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) (distance learning programme) for the Mindfulness Network
2011 - MBI-TAC Assessor for CMRP, Bangor University.
2008 - MBCT Therapist in the PREVENT research trial comparing the effectiveness of MBCT with anti-depressant medication. As part of this I went through extensive training and supervision.
Therapist in a study on the benefits of compassion on our health at University of Exeter.
2007 - Mindfulness-Based Cognitive therapist, trainer and supervisor at the AccEPT Clinic, University of Exeter
2009 - MBCT Training with Willem Kuyken at Exeter University
2007 - Mindfulness Teacher Training Retreat at Trigonos, Bangor University.
2007 - Yoga Teacher Training with Bill Wood, Totnes
2005 - Yoga Teacher Training with Devon School of Yoga
2005 - Senior Occupational Therapist at North Devon District Hospital Psychiatric Unit.
2003 - MSc. Occupational Therapy at University of Brighton
1998 - BSc. Psychology at University College London

“Claire makes everyone feel welcome, important and included, offering a safe environment to share personal thoughts and emotions. The benefits of being part of a group have truly been profound”

— Linda, Course Participant