What is it to feel grounded?

What is it to feel grounded…?

As we move towards the Summer Solstice, where the sun is at it’s highest point, it can be easy in the fullness, lightness and expansion of this time to become ungrounded. Yesterday was one of those days for me, when with the heat of the day combined with lots on, I noticed by the evening feeling a bit frazzled and ungrounded!

Grounding is the act of being in our body and feeling connected to the ground, to the Earth. It is a feeling of being at home, feeling steady, and a sense of belonging.

Without it, it is easy to feel exhausted, anxious and disconnected. We can end up feeling unsupported and alone.

When we experience a sense of grounding our whole nervous system benefits. It brings balance to a system that feels overwhelmed and soothes tiredness like a healing balm. It reconnects us to nature, to our nature and to interconnection with all of life.

So what is that supports you to feel grounded in your life?

For me, it always starts with noticing that I am feeling disconnected.... and then slowing way down…

I might choose to spend some time sitting in nature, listening to sounds, yoga, meditation, lying down and feeling the ground supporting me.

In the midst of a busy day I will simply pause and bring my attention down into the soles of my feet, invite some slightly slower breaths, letting my energy settle downwards, may be rest my hand on my heart, or on my cheeks for a few seconds….

How about you? What are some of the ways that nourish, resource and soothe you when you’re feeling ungrounded and disconnected?

“When you feel the need to speed up, slow down.”

(African Proverb)


What are you Practicing?


Stopping to smell the roses…