The power of imagination

Do you have a good imagination?

Many of us might believe that we are not the imaginative sort…and yet the truth is, as human beings, we are actually imagining much of the time, without even realising it.

So what exactly are we imagining?

Imagination is an incredibly powerful capacity that we all have.

Did you know that your brain and body will actually respond in the SAME way to an imagined experience, as it would do to the actual real experience itself.

Maybe you’ve had those moments when you’ve been lying awake at night worrying about how you might not cope the next day or imagining all the things that could go wrong…?

Or maybe imagining just how good it will feel when we go on holiday and the excitement of that…?

Such imaginations are not real, yet they have ‘real’ effects on our body-mind; our bodies feel and respond as if that exact experience is actually happening!

Now, because as humans our brains have a tendency to focus on problems and what’s 'wrong' our default mode of imagination is often negative, and therefore just by merely imagining what might go wrong we are unwittingly activating stress chemicals in the body.

So why not use this capacity to our advantage?

Why not use this incredible capacity to imagine to support our deepest well-being, vitality, joy and aliveness?

Neuroscience now confirms that with practice we can change the shape of our brains. We can begin to hardwire the brain to experience more joy and love.

We can train the brain to actually support us to THRIVE, not merely survive.

If you could really allow yourself time to imagine your best possible life…What would this look like…? How would you feel…? What would you be doing…?

Let your mind be free to dream up the best possible vision for your life….

As you do, let your senses come alive, and FEEL how it would feel to BE there, as if it was actually happening in the present moment…let your imagination wake up these real positive feelings in your body… savour them…

Let me know what you notice!

"...knowledge is limited, whereas imagination encircles the world." ~ Einstein


If only…


A Homage to Death