Your Wild & Precious Life

An 8--week live online programme
for women
Starting January 2025

Are you here because you’re longing to live a life of greater happiness, fulfilment, and love?

I wonder if you’ve had enough of:

feeling at the mercy of difficult emotions?

feeling responsible for everyone else’s happiness and well-being?

that critical voice in your head that keeps telling you you haven’t done enough, that you need to try harder, that you have to be different in order to be loved?

secretly believing that there is something wrong with you?

ignoring your needs and feeling the resulting resentment, flatness or exhaustion from always prioritising others?

feeling guilty and ‘shoulding’ yourself into things that you don’t actually want to do?

Would you love to:

develop a relationship with yourself that is supportive, warm, kind and loving?

learn to honour your own needs as sacred gifts?

disentangle yourself from old patterns of thinking that keep you from fully expressing yourself and inhabiting your life?

build resilience, inner confidence…and feel empowered?

experience more joy, appreciation and happiness in your life?

experience an intimate, alive, trust-filled connection with yourself?

In a society which is constantly telling us that the only way to be truly happy is to change ourselves; to be better, to be more, to do more

It is not any surprise how we have grown so far away from ourselves.

Most of us have never been shown how to be kind and loving towards ourselves, and to make matters worse we have been taught that to to be kind to ourselves is somehow selfish, or will make us lazy and unmotivated.

We may avoid opening our heart to others for fear of being overwhelmed by their needs or suffering, or we find ourselves baffled in how to be there for others without becoming depleted in the process.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

There is now an overwhelming amount of scientific evidence that shows that having a kind and loving relationship with ourselves is an ESSENTIAL ingredient to good psychological and physical health.

It is time to empower ourselves
and debunk these myths that keep us from really flourishing.

Even with all the inner and outer imperfections we can learn to embrace ourselves and our lives, and grow a deep inner confidence that will support us to thrive, not merely survive.

This invitation is for YOU

As you discover how to meet yourself with respect and love

you’ll grow an inner confidence and a deep trust in life.

One of the best things I have ever given myself - far beyond my expectations! I am starting to become my ‘real’ self, instead of the person I thought I should be
— Linda Allen, Retired Accountant
This course will absolutely lead you towards living your wild and precious life the way you wish you could, the skills you will learn and the confidence you will gain are immeasurable
— Carly Short, Vetenary Surgeon
Claire’s warmth and deeply caring presence made this feel a safe space to feel anything that arose. I was amazed how quickly I and others felt willing to share our experiences even when they were painful.
I have already used some of Claire’s approaches in my own practice. It has inspired me to greater acceptance of myself and others.

— Liz, Psychologist

What previous participants are saying….

How the programme works…


We will have eight live sessions together over eight weeks. Each session will build upon the last and give you the understanding and skills you need to develop a strong foundation of kindness and connection in your everyday life.

These are the sessions where you will explore and learn key mindfulness and self-compassion practices and exercises. You will be introduced to some simple concepts and theory that will support your experiential learning. There will also be time devoted to dialogue to help develop and deepen your insights and understanding. These live sessions will take place on a weekday evening from September.


Each week you will be invited to practice. These simple practices will really support you towards building a strong foundation of kindness and compassion into your everyday life.


Each week you will be sent materials - both written and audio practices - these will support each of the live sessions.


You will receive a 30 minute one-to-one session with Claire over the course of the programme. This is a chance to receive more specific guidance and mentoring on your journey. You can arrange this at a time that suits you during the course of the 8-week programme.

‘What Claire teaches is incredibly powerful, and I found it transformational…she creates a wonderfully supportive  atmosphere, and makes everyone feel welcome and at ease.  The resources and practices support you between sessions, helping you to create new patterns to take forward.  I would highly recommend this course’

~ Anna (Therapist)

Journey into Your Wild and Precious Life…

Session 1 - The Healing Power of Awareness

  • You will learn how to tap into your innate capacity to be curious and aware - you will begin to see how this is your superpower to living your wild, precious life in all it’s richness, beauty and depth.

  • Learn how to reconnect with and befriend your body and to harness the power of the body as a portal to becoming more deeply present in your life.

Session 2 - Connecting with Your Inner Resource

  • Discover the key to moving from stress to feeling more calm, connected, and resourced in your life. Learn how to nourish your nervous system so your whole being can begin to deeply relax.

  • Learn how by befriending your nervous system, you can access a place of steadiness and calm more of the time. And why this is the key to you flourishing, not merely surviving.

Session 3 - How to Work with Difficulty in Your Life

  • Discover the patterns of reactivity that keep you trapped and learn how you can empower yourself and begin to break free from them.

  • As you gain more self-knowledge and insight you will be able to unhook from reactivity and instead learn how to consciously respond to life’s events.

Session 4 - The Power of Welcoming

  • Learn how ‘what we resist, persists’. Discover the art of acceptance as power, not passivity; a powerful doorway to possibility and making choices that deeply support your well-being.

  • Learn how to unhook from the inner judge in your head that keeps you locked out of your own heart.

Session 5 - Caring for Yourself in a New Way

  • Explore the joy of response-ability and learn to honour your own needs as sacred gifts.

  • Discover the power of self-compassion to heal difficult relationships. Learn the art of boundaries and how to be in relationship, without becoming depleted

Session 6 - Your Sovereign Self

  • Discover how to disentangle yourself from old beliefs that no longer serve you and keep you from fully expressing yourself and inhabiting your life.

  • Learn how to live your life from the best version of yourself, and live from your heart.

Session 8 - Tending to Your Inner Garden

  • Learn how to cultivate your ‘inner garden’ so that you can sustain your well-being and continue to flourish and thrive.

  • Receive support and guidance to develop a personal practice that will support your resilience and inner resource for the long term.

Session 7 - Embracing the Good

  • Discover what truly contributes to your genuine happiness.

  • Learn how to move beyond your brains innate negativity bias to experience more joy, appreciation and happiness in your life.

‘Claire creates a uniquely safe and entirely non-judgemental space in which we are encouraged to connect to our true selves. I am so very grateful that I grabbed this opportunity and am excited by the doors that have opened for me. Words can’t really begin to explain the power of this experience and the impact that it is having upon me’

— Jo, Educational Psychologist

So many positives! Claire is the most nurturing person with such a soft and gentle soul. She is able to help guide you to find good in all that you are and all that you feel. I have discovered that I am important and that my well-being is too. I have started to see good in what before I would have thought was bad.

Sarah Silvester, Proprietor of North Devon Childcare Limited (TA Kiddywinks)

Apply Here

Full Price: £365

Super Early Bird Price: £265

Sponsored places:
I don’t want to exclude anyone due to lack of funds so there are a set amount of bursary places.
Please apply by contacting Claire directly.


My name is Claire Brejcha and I would love to be your guide to living and loving your one, wild and precious life more fully. I wholeheartedly believe in the importance of this work – not only at the individual level, but also because it can foster real transformation in the world.

I love the fact that even with all the inner and outer imperfections we can learn to embrace ourselves and our lives, and grow a deep inner confidence that will support us to thrive, not merely survive.

This course is a culmination of two decades of experience teaching mindfulness-based approaches. And I would love to be your guide…

What’s included?

When you choose to join Your Wild and Precious Life 2025, you will receive:

  1. Eight weekly live online sessions (each session is 2 hours)

  2. A selection of specially designed audio practices

  3. An inspiring guidebook to accompany the course

  4. Sacred invitations that you’ll be invited to practice each week to support your journey.

  5. Guidance and support to meet your needs.

  6. You will receive a 30 minute one-to-one session with Claire. This is a chance to receive more specific guidance and mentoring on your journey.

  7. A warm friendly community of like-minded people to share your journey with.

  8. At the end of the course you will have the opportunity to join an ongoing private community held by Claire, to support your practice onwards.

As a fellow Yoga and Mindfulness practitioner and teacher I would say without any doubts that this is better than any rigid and dry similar standard courses I have come across.
— Licia (course particpant)

The seeds of self-compassion
already lie within you

and you CAN learn to uncover
this powerful source
to create
lasting transformation in your life.

This course is for you if:

  • You are motivated to discover a kinder, more friendly and supportive relationship with yourself

  • You are willing and curious to explore.

  • You are fed up with the old ways of self-aggression and self blame.

  • You are wanting to appreciate your life in it’s full depth and richness.

  • You have a motivation for care rather than cure.

This course is not for you if:

  • You are not open or interested in exploring yourself.

  • You are expecting a quick fix solution.

  • You are not willing, or motivated, to put in any work.

  • You don’t have the time / space / capacity to attend the live sessions and complete the course work.

I cannot recommend this course highly enough, it has been one of the best things I have ever given myself.  I feel equipped to look at my life from a completely different perspective - truly enlightening for me.

~ Linda, Course Participant

Still unsure whether the course is for you…?
Or maybe you have questions…?

Please feel free to book in a free 15 minute call with me
so we can see if the course is the right fit for you.